Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why I would like to be the marrying kind

It's that time of year again. My company has an open enrollment period for health insurance and other financial benefits. I am once again reminded that my domestic partner is not my spouse, and that my state does not allow for domestic partner registry or for same-sex partners to marry. My company does, however, offer the same benefits to my partner as they would if he were my spouse. However, my marital status is a difference with a definite distinction.

I must admit, I'm still baffled by the opposition to gay marriage. It seems like it's OK for a celebrity or anyone one else to get married in Las Vegas on a Saturday and get an annulment the next weekend. I don't see protesters on TV sniping about the divorce rate every day. Ask yourself how many people you know who have been married more than once. Or twice. Unfortunately, the institution of marriage doesn't seem very sacred in America at all. My parents took their wedding vows very seriously. I think all of my married friends do as well. I would to, if it were allowed, but I don't have that option.

Part of the problem I have is that I don't understand the opposition very well. America is almost ready to elect Barack Obama, an African-American, as President. If our nation is ready for that, I simply do not understand why we're not ready to let queers get married. I'm dumbfounded. Someone even let Britney Spears get married. WTH!?

On a more serious note: the constant reminder that I have never been allowed to get married or adopt children is, well, a little depressing and annoying sometimes. Why does it have to be in my face all the time, even at work? Can anyone other than a queer really understand what it's like to be told you can never marry someone you love? Perhaps the real problem is the general lack of empathy in our society. Hmm...

I often wonder how my life would be different today if I had come out to my parents in my early twenties. Would my relationship with my parents have been different? Would I have gotten some much-needed advice on life? In any case, I have a good relationship with my family, and my life today is quite nice. I would be a moron to complain about it. If I were twenty years old today, however, I would definitely do a few things a bit differently...but everyone over 40 says that. :-)

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